Ensure consistent response times
Eliminate Java-caused application stalls, user timeouts, and crashes to deliver consistent experiences across channels.
Learn how Azul helps Taboola’s discovery & advertising platform serve 30B recommendations daily with unprecedented performance, stability, and security, and a server footprint reduced by up to 50%.
Learn how Azul customer Saks Fifth Avenue has improved e-Commerce site speeds, and built its business and reputation on Azul Platform Prime with “tremendous improvements in performance and response time consistency.”
Cassandra, Kafka, Spark, and other Java- and JVM-based big data technologies deliver recommendation engines, online ordering processes, event stream hierarchies, and so much more. With Azul Platform Prime, you can reduce infrastructures 30%+.
Provide your customers with secure, glitch-free e-Commerce experiences that keep them loyal and happy, while also reducing your costs.