Azul Intelligence Cloud The Powerful Analytics Solution That Boosts DevOps Efficiency with Insights from Production Java Runtime Data from Any JVM  

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Research & White Papers

Solving the Compliance Challenge for Your Java Estate

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Webinars & Videos

Oracle Java Myths Uncovered: How to Reduce Your Oracle Java Compliance Risk in 2024

Learning Hubs

Uncover the Truth about Oracle Java

Learning Hubs

School of OpenJDK Migration

Research & White Papers

Transitioning from Oracle JDK to Azul Zulu Builds of OpenJDK

Data Sheets

Commercial Support for OpenJDK – The 5 Most Valuable Benefits of Premium Support from Azul

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Webinars & Videos

How to ensure stability and security with every Java update

Data Sheets

Azul Platform Core vs Free OpenJDK

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Webinars & Videos

JDK 22: Twice as Good as JDK 11

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Oracle’s Licensing Change Makes Java More Expensive, How to Tame this Cost?

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How to Avoid Failing a Java Audit and Migrate Your JVMs

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Webinars & Videos

How Difficult Is It Really to Move to a Different OpenJDK Distribution?