Azul Recognizes Winners of its Inaugural 2024 Azul Java Hero Awards for Innovative, World-Class Java Deployments


Silver Partner

Pernix is “Smarter with Data”​, our data driven insights transform organisations through the scientific use and real-life interpretation of data, to enable faster better-informed decision making. The way in which we handle the data to analyse and maximise the business outcome is quite simply smarter. The range of solution capability extends from data capture technology through to predictive analytics and data science blended with deep operational experience in:

  • Digital Transformation and Application Modernisation
  • Data Warehousing & Business Intelligence
  • Advanced Analytics & Data Science
  • Visualisation & Mobile Reporting Implementations
  • Data Advisory & Governance
  • Enterprise Application Integration
  • Custom Software Development inc. Mobile, Web and Native Apps.
  • Software Robots, identifying efficiency through automation