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April 30, 2012

Azul Systems® Announces Zing JVM Release 5.2 with Support for Ubuntu Linux

SUNNYVALE, Calif., April 30, 2012 — Azul Systems, Inc., the award-winning leader in Java runtime scalability, announced today that it has added support for the Ubuntu Linux distribution. Ubuntu support is a key new feature of Zing release 5.2, which will be generally available within the next 30 days.

Zing is a 100% Java-compatible native Java Virtual Machine (JVM) optimized for the Linux operating system featuring continuous low-latency operation while supporting very large numbers of CPU cores and hundreds of GBytes of memory. Unlike all other commercially available JVMs, Zing makes use of Azul’s Continuously Concurrent Compacting Collector (C4) technology, implementing a pauseless garbage collection algorithm ensuring that enterprise developers can create and deploy new in-memory applications without risking the problematic performance artifacts caused by traditional Java garbage collectors.

Zing 5.2 introduces many performance and latency reduction improvements, enabling performance gains for individual application threads by up to 50% and achieving garbage collection worst case latencies as low as 80 usec for tuned applications. JVM startup time has also been improved by 10 percent or more for typical applications.

Zing 5.2 provides full support for production servers running Ubuntu Linux version 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) on x86-64 processors. The Zing 5.2 release is paired with a new release of the Zing Resource Controller (ZRC), which provides improved management capabilities for multi-node Zing production deployments.

Zing 5.2 also includes Zing Vision, a powerful and zero-overhead production-time application monitoring and diagnostics tool.  Zing Vision enables developers, operations and support teams to see what a Java application and JVM is doing – during operation — at very high levels of granularity. Unlike other Java monitoring solutions, Zing Vision runs inside the JVM, allowing always-on high precision application monitoring without any performance degradation.

John Pugh, partner manager at Canonical comments, “Ubuntu is widely used in global enterprises and continues to gain traction in server deployment. Now, customers can benefit from the stability, reliability and flexibility of Ubuntu combined with the predictability and performance of the Zing JVM.”

“Zing 5.2 is a major new release with performance, application monitoring and management capabilities as well as support for Ubuntu Linux”, said Scott Sellers, Azul Systems president and CEO. “We have seen strong demand from enterprises who want to run Zing, the industry’s best JVM for Linux, on the expanding number of Ubuntu deployments.  Ubuntu is now a great choice for developers and operators who need Zing’s market-leading predictable, low-latency performance and monitoring for their Java applications.”

Zing pricing is based on an annual subscription per server. For supported server configurations running Zing with Ubuntu and other Linux distributions, please refer to To access the no-cost Zing Trial program, please visit

About Azul Systems

Azul Systems delivers high-performance and elastic Java Virtual Machines (JVMs) with unsurpassed scalability, manageability and production-time visibility. Designed and optimized for x86 servers and enterprise-class workloads, Azul’s Zing JVM is the only Java runtime that supports highly consistent and pauseless execution for throughput-intensive and QoS-sensitive Java applications. Azul’s products enable organizations to dramatically simplify Java deployments with fewer instances, greater response time consistency, and dramatically better operating costs.