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May 2, 2011

Azul Systems® Announces Support on RHEL 6 & KVM that Unleashes Bare Metal Performance

Sunnyvale, CA and Red Hat Summit/JBoss World,  May 2, 2011 – Azul Systems, the award-winning leader in scalable, reliable platforms for business-critical Java™ applications, today announced at 2011 Red Hat Summit and JBoss World Zing™ 4.1 with support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6.0, Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM), and JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) 5.1. This latest version of the Zing Elastic Software Platform sets new records for scalability in virtualized and Cloud deployments, enabling Java applications to utilize heap sizes greater than a half-terabyte without garbage collection pauses. Zing 4.1 incorporates Azul’s novel Continuously Concurrent Compacting Collector (C4) technology, a unique technology allowing Java applications to elastically grow their heaps based on real time demands, and never experience “stop-the-world” pauses that often impact Java applications running on traditional Java Virtual Machines (JVMs).

“Zing 4.1 sets a new standard for Java application scalability and sustainable throughput, while simultaneously eliminating application pause,” said Scott Sellers, CEO of Azul Systems. “Enterprises and SaaS providers have struggled for years to provide greater consistency for their mission-critical applications, especially in virtualized and Cloud deployments. With Zing, these companies can now unleash the raw capacity of high performance commodity hardware without being shackled by Java runtime limitations such as garbage collection, the ‘Achilles’ heel’ of Java.”

The Zing 4.1 release is a 100% Java compatible runtime, fully certified with JBoss 5.1 EAP and delivers consistent application performance independent of load or heap size. With the ability to support heaps greater than a half-terabyte without GC pauses, Zing is the most scalable Java platform available, and the only Java runtime with a garbage collector that can indefinitely sustain pauseless operation. Zing 4.1 incorporates a number of new performance enhancements, including improved Just-in-Time compilation techniques, enhanced thread scheduling, and other advanced algorithms that increase performance and sustainable throughput, and lower response times. Zing 4.1 typically achieves 10% – 80% performance improvement compared to Zing 4.0 across a variety of customer applications and synthetic benchmarks.  This performance advantage increases deployment flexibility for enterprises and provides better scalability for applications with high transaction volumes, large data sets, or strict response time requirements.

“With Zing 4.1, customers deploying Azul with the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform are able to elastically scale individual instances to more than a half-terabyte and dozens of processor cores, all automatically and based on real-time demands,” added George Gould, VP Marketing and Business Development of Azul Systems. “We are proud to be working closely with Red Hat and the JBoss team to deliver to customers a best-in-class solution for their Java infrastructures.”

To find out more about the joint JBoss/Azul solution for Java infrastructure, please visit

About Azul Systems

Azul Systems ( delivers highly elastic Java runtime platforms with unsurpassed scalability, manageability, and production-time visibility. Designed and optimized for commodity servers running in virtualized and Cloud deployments, Azul’s Zing™ Platform is the only Java runtime that allows throughput-intensive and QoS-sensitive Java applications to run and perform better virtualized than non-virtualized. Azul enables organizations to dramatically simplify deployments with fewer, more robust instances, increase capacities with predictable response times, and dramatically improve operating costs over traditional deployment models.