
May 8, 2006

Azul Systems® And Mainsoft Bring Unprecedented Scalability, Performance to .Net Applications

Mountain View, Calif. – May 8, 2006 – Azul Systems, Inc., the pioneer of the industry’s first network attached processing solution, and Mainsoft Corporation, the leading cross-platform company, today announced that Mainsoft’s Visual MainWin® for J2EE™ development tool is now interoperable with Azul Compute Appliances. The companies have formed a partnership to enable enterprises running Microsoft® .NET™ framework applications to tap into network attached processing and provide massive amounts of processing and memory resources delivered as a shared network service. This joint solution enables .NET applications the same performance, scalability, agility, and cost benefits that Azul already provides to other virtual machines, such as Java™ and J2EE platform based-applications.

Most medium and large enterprises are looking for cost-effective ways to interoperate among heterogeneous hardware and software platforms and consolidate their servers to simplify their IT architectures and lower their TCO. Mainsoft enables organizations to quickly port Microsoft .NET web and server applications to a unified J2EE architecture, without having to rewrite the .NET applications or retrain developers who are already familiar with the Microsoft Visual Studio environment. Mainsoft customers report this process is ten times faster than rewriting the applications from scratch. Using network attached processing from Azul, ported applications can now benefit from enormous amounts of compute capacity that can make them shine, dramatically increasing utilization of existing infrastructure and service levels, eliminating administrative complexity, and reducing costs for new hardware, power, cooling and real estate to a degree that has never before been possible.

“Azul and Mainsoft share the same vision of helping all companies access and interoperate among any platform, preserving their existing investments, and we consider this partnership a huge win for our customers,” said Yaacov Cohen, president and CEO of Mainsoft Corporation. “Multiplatform enterprises can now derive even greater cost and scalability benefits across their deployments when they run their large .NET applications via the Java platform and powered by the Azul network attached processing technology.”

When attached to a network, Azul Compute Appliances have typically brought astounding performance gains to Java based transaction processing applications, enabling them to process up to 300% more transactions. That same boost can now be brought to .NET applications by using Mainsoft: tests conducted by Azul have verified that applications written in C# or Visual Basic.NET® and recompiled to Java bytecode experience similar performance gains from network attached processing as applications written directly to the J2EE platform.

“The performance and scalability of hundreds of processor cores and 10s of GB of memory heap is now available to the growing number of .NET deployments,” said Shahin Khan, vice president and chief marketing officer at Azul Systems. “Large datacenters with a mixed Microsoft and Java environment can now reduce administration complexity and cut costs for hardware, power, cooling, and real estate, while continuing to leverage their .NET investments.”

About Azul Systems

Azul Systems, Inc. has pioneered the industry’s first network attached processing solution, designed to unbound compute resources for transaction-intensive applications and services, such as those based on the Java platform or Microsoft .NET framework. Without application level modifications, binary compatibility requirements or operating system dependencies, this fundamentally new approach eliminates the need to capacity plan at the application level and dramatically lowers the cost and complexity associated with the traditional delivery of computing resources. More information on Azul Systems can be found

About Mainsoft

Founded in 1993, Mainsoft Corporation, the leading cross-platform company, provides software and services that enable businesses to move to open systems while preserving existing investments in .NET code and skills. Customers can develop mission-critical applications with the productive Visual Studio software and deploy them natively on J2EE servers and Windows, UNIX® and Linux operating systems, dramatically reducing development costs and time-to-market. Many of the world’s largest ISVs including Siebel, Computer Associates and IBM Rational, use Mainsoft’s products to extend the productivity of Microsoft Visual Studio, deploying more than $1 billion worth of software annually on multiple operating systems.

Legal Notices

Azul Systems and Azul are registered trademarks, and the Azul arch logo is a trademark of Azul Systems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Mainsoft and MainWin are registered trademarks of Mainsoft Corporation. Java and all Java based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Microsoft and .NET is either a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Other marks are the property of their respective owners and are used here only for identification purposes.
