We have enjoyed a very successful partnership with Azul over the past seven years, and value the innovations it continues to bring as a strong independent Java provider.
- All of LMAX Group’s latency-sensitive and throughput-critical systems were experiencing the typical performance issues associated with Java’s garbage collection operations.
- LMAX Group moved all of its Java-based applications to Azul Platform Prime, incrementing from most critical to less critical over a two-year period.
- Low latency trade execution is ensured.
- Engineer time is freed up; no more battling garbage collection in code; less performance tuning.
- Scalability has improved to support LMAX’s rapid growth.
- No changes were needed to LMAX’s unique software architecture or development approach.
- Technology investment has ensured resilience, security, and capacity of its exchange, boasting 100% uptime.
- LMAX Group processes sustained volumes of over 100,000 orders/second, capable of bursting to almost a million orders/second per exchange at peak.