Azul Intelligence Cloud The Powerful Analytics Solution That Boosts DevOps Efficiency with Insights from Production Java Runtime Data from Any JVM  

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How Azul Improves Java Application Performance for AdTech Platforms

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How Azul Improves Java Application Performance for a Better Gaming Experience

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Your Undead Code Is A Time Vampire

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Oracle Java Myths Uncovered: How to Reduce Your Oracle Java Compliance Risk in 2024

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How Azul Improves Retail & E-commerce Java Application Performance

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How to ensure stability and security with every Java update

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JDK 22: Twice as Good as JDK 11

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Oracle’s Licensing Change Makes Java More Expensive, How to Tame this Cost?

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How to Avoid Failing a Java Audit and Migrate Your JVMs

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Linux Foundation: Apache Cassandra on Steroids

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Cloud Cost Optimization for Java Workloads

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How Difficult Is It Really to Move to a Different OpenJDK Distribution?

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Get Up to Speed on Spring Boot 3.2

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State of Java 2023 – Experts weigh in on Java adoption, rising cloud costs, security, and Oracle pricing

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Azul CEO Scott Sellers Interview with Asia Online Publishing Group at TechWeek in Singapore

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JDK 21: A Comprehensive Overview of Key Features and Enhancements

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Declutter Your Codebase by Removing Unused and Dead Code

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OpenJDK Migration Stories: From Dismay to Delight

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OpenJDK Migration for Dummies: Tools and Techniques for a Faster Migration

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Open JDK Migration for Dummies: What Happens When I Don’t Migrate?

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Faster Java Warm-up Performance Increases Cloud Elasticity

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What the CRaC! Superfast JVM Startup

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Take Control of Your Oracle Java SE Pricing

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Life After Oracle Java

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Wargames – Java Vulnerabilities and Why You Should Care

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Shift Left, Validate Right: Improve Security by Running Your App

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How to Migrate to OpenJDK from Oracle JDK

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JDK 20 Release Party with the Java Champions!

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Oracle Pricing FAQ – Your Questions Answered

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Better Java Performance Without Changing Any Code

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JDK 20 Small Changes to Big Features

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Java Trends in the Enterprise

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Tech Talk: A Safari through the JVM

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Enterprise Application Security: Virtual Roundtable

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How to Offload JIT Compilation to Improve Performance of Java Apps

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Kubernetes and High Performance Java

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Securing Your Open-Source Software: Rapid Remediation of Java Vulnerabilities

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Why Your Choice of JVM Matters More Than Ever

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Happier Users, Faster Transactions – 
Performance Engineering with Optimized Java Runtime

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Keeping Java Current: Licensing & Upgrading Options

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Avoid AOT, Justify JIT: Java Compilation in the Cloud

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Big Data and Real-time Analytics with Apache Pinot

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Project Panama: A Deeper Dive

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Tackling & Preventing Runaway Government Costs by Implementing a Cloud First Strategy

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Faster Java Performance and Better Debugging

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The Risks of Unsupported Java

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A New Way to Control Cloud Costs–Optimize Your Java Runtime

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Project Panama: Seeing It in Action

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Project Panama: What It’s All About

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Installation of Prime Tutorial