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Microsoft Increases Commitment to OpenJDK

Today, Microsoft announced its plans for the new Microsoft Build of OpenJDK. As a long time Microsoft partner and as a key provider of Java technologies powering Azure, Azul welcomes this step and congratulates Microsoft on their evolution in OpenJDK contribution and collaboration. With their upcoming builds, Microsoft is joining a rich community of ongoing OpenJDK distributions that includes Azul’s Zulu builds of OpenJDK, Red Hat’s builds of OpenJDK, Amazon’s Corretto builds of OpenJDK, SAP’s SAPMachine builds of OpenJDK, Alibaba’s Dragonwell builds of OpenJDK, BellSoft’s Liberica builds of OpenJDK, and the upcoming Eclipse Adoptium builds of OpenJDK (the continuation of the AdoptOpenJDK effort).  Not forgetting, of course, Oracle builds of OpenJDK.

We believe that a thriving OpenJDK community is key to Java’s continuing success. The range of OpenJDK distributions now available ensure freedom of choice while collaborating and aligning on regular updates via the various OpenJDK update projects. Adding Microsoft’s commitment to that of the already impressive set of organizations involved in this community effort will further strengthen the combined OpenJDK development and maintenance capabilities, ensuring quality choices continue to be available to users of Java technologies worldwide.

Azul looks forward to our ongoing collaboration with Microsoft in support of Azure’s Java users and of the Java user community as a whole.