It’s incredible that, twenty-six years after it was first released, Java is still one of, if not the most, popular software platforms in the world. One reason that has helped drive its success over the last few years is the change to a time-based six-month release cadence for the OpenJDK. As a result, we’ve seen more features added to the Java platform more quickly than ever before.
At the same time, changes to licensing have resulted in broad adoption of OpenJDK in general, and in a growing set of options that users can choose from for distributions of OpenJDK.
Today, that choice became even wider with the release of Eclipse Temurin (that’s an anagram of Runtime, if you hadn’t noticed) as part of the Eclipse Adoptium project.
What is Eclipse Temurin?
Eclipse Temurin is a free OpenJDK distribution produced as part of the multi-vendor Eclipse Adoptium Project and Working Group, of which Azul is a founding member.
Eclipse Temurin Support
To assist those who wish to deploy the Eclipse Temurin distribution of OpenJDK in enterprise environments, Azul now includes commercial support for Temurin as part of Azul Platform Core OpenJDK support subscriptions. This commercial support offering addresses the needs of users who have to comply with specific regulations or governance and those who require dependable support services for their OpenJDK deployments, backed by contractual SLAs.
The combination of Eclipse Temurin builds of OpenJDK and Azul’s industry-leading engineering and support organization is a winning combination.
See How Temurin Compares
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and how it stacks up to other
Java alternatives