Azul Intelligence Cloud The Powerful Analytics Solution That Boosts DevOps Efficiency with Insights from Production Java Runtime Data from Any JVM  
John Ceccarelli

John Ceccarelli

Senior Director, Product Management, Azul

About John Ceccarelli


To Re-Architect Java Applications or Not to Re-Architect?

John Ceccarelli / Mar 28, 2024

Azul Platform Prime Java 21 Preview Available

John Ceccarelli / Sep 29, 2023

Giving Java Long-Term Memory with Azul Platform Prime

John Ceccarelli / Aug 30, 2023

Best Practices for Ramps in Performance Tests

John Ceccarelli / Aug 4, 2023
Cloud Cost

Azul Platform Prime Delivers Superior Performance on AWS Graviton Instances

John Ceccarelli / Feb 7, 2023

Why Your Choice of Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Matters More Than Ever

John Ceccarelli / Dec 22, 2022
Cloud Cost

Best Practices Running Kafka on Azul Platform Prime

John Ceccarelli / Jun 29, 2022

Azul Platform Prime Stream Builds Are Now Free for Evaluation and Development

John Ceccarelli / Mar 2, 2022

Cloud Native Compilation: Bringing JVMs into the Modern Cloud World

John Ceccarelli / Dec 15, 2021

Solr Throughput on Azul Platform Prime vs OpenJDK

John Ceccarelli / Sep 14, 2021

Benchmarking Renaissance on OpenJDK and Azul Platform Prime

John Ceccarelli / Aug 19, 2021

Azul’s New Pricing Structure

John Ceccarelli / Jun 17, 2021