Blog chevron_right Cloud Cost

5 Ways to Reduce Cloud Waste

Top 5 - Use fewer cloud resources to reduce cloud waste

Use fewer cloud resources

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Top 5 - Improve warmup time to reduce cloud waste

Improve warmup time

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Top 5 - Improve warmup time to reduce cloud waste

Use any compilation model

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Top 5 - Improve performance without upgrading to reduce cloud waste

Improve performance without upgrading

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Top 5 - Reduce wasted code to reduce cloud waste

Reduce wasted code

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In the Cloud Cost Optimization Cookbook, you can get some recommendations for tools for tagging cloud resources, monitoring application performance, and reducing cloud waste. Azul’s high-performance Java platform uses fewer resources to achieve the same or even greater performance. This efficiency enables organizations to save on infrastructure costs, especially expensive cloud instances. A high-performance Java platform is one tool in your toolbox for lowering cloud costs.

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Read the Cloud Cost Optimization Cookbook