Reduce stop-the-world pauses.
We love when our customers tell us they reduced worst-case pauses by 10x.
Azul Platform Prime reduces infrastructure costs and improves response times in ZooKeeper-managed clusters such as Hadoop, HBase, Kafka, Solr, Spark, and many more.
Azul Platform Prime reduces infrastructure costs and improves response times in ZooKeeper-managed clusters such as Kafka, Hadoop, HBase, Solr, Spark, and many more.
Azul Platform Prime helped Workday reduce operational tickets by over 95%, reduce total pause time per JVM from 40,000 seconds per week to 14 seconds per week, and eliminate at least 42,000 person-hours over 1.5 years that would have been spent on performance tuning.
A Forrester Consulting Total Economic Impact™ study found that Azul Platform Prime can save customers $2 million in three years.
Azul delivers the turbocharged performance you need to handle the scale of Java-based big data while actually reducing your infrastructure requirements.